Monday, July 16, 2018

Fortnite Mobile: 5 Top tips on how to win more battles on your smartphone

Dream Team FC
Fortnite Mobile: 5 Top tips on how to win more battles on your smartphone

With thousands of downloads and consistent updates, mobile gamers are loving Fortnite.

Wouldn’t you love it more though if you could get more kills, win more battles, get the best loot and secure the Victory royale?

We have compiled five of the best tips and tricks to achieve just that.

Season 5 of Fortnite has just kicked off!

Learn the controls

The very first step is to learn the controls.

Read the help guide then hop into a game and land somewhere remote to practice running, switching weapons and building.

It is also important to adjust the sensitivity settings to suit your play style.

The controls are simple but can take some getting used to

Build, build, build

Building is an essential part of the game, especially when playing on your smartphone.

If you can learn how to build quickly and efficiently then you will be crushing your opponents left, right and centre.

the only way you will get better is to practice, practice, practice.

Once you have mastered the basic controls drop in at Wailing Woods collect some wood and practice going up and down, switching between cover and weapons.

This will make you a force to reckon with on the battlefield.

Learning to build instantly makes you a better player

Keep your friends close and enemies closer

Close range fights are ideal for mobile Fortnite players.

The controls can make picking off players with a sniper or scoped weapon rather tricky.

Try picking up the silenced SMG and a tactical shotgun and sneaking up on unsuspecting players.

This is a dead set way to give you the advantage, especially when they don’t hear you coming.

We don’t recommend using the bush…

Wear Headphones

Whether you survive until the final five or not often depends so much on how well you can hear your opponents.

Putting on headphones gives you an instant advantage, allowing you to not only see visual cues on enemy locations but also sound cues.

Fortnite mobile gives players visual cues on enemy locations

Give your fingers a rest

Having to run a long distance to get away from the storm is the norm in Fortnite.

Save some time and energy by utilising auto-run when you are far out.


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