Thursday, June 21, 2018

Realm Royale: Everything you need to know about the new Fortnite – Xbox, PS4 release date, game tips and more

Dream Team FC
Realm Royale: Everything you need to know about the new Fortnite – Xbox, PS4 release date, game tips and more

The popularity of battle royale games is anything but on the decline.

With the announcement that triple-A-giants Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Battlefield 6 will host battle royale modes, the trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down, and neither does the demand for it.

Realm Royale is free-to-play on steam now!

Like Fortnite, the latest ‘battle royale phenomenon’ Realm Royale is completely free-to-play.

Designed by Hi-Rez studios, it can be downloaded from the Steam store and is currently in early access.

The aim of the game?

To fight your way through 100 other players as part of a team, specialising in one of five unique classes: assassin, warrior, mage, engineer and hunter.

All classes have different abilities for example, the assassin being able to teleport forwards and the warrior being able to leap over opponents.

A classic battle royale with 100 players dropping into the map

Players must search chests and wipe out opponents in order to upgrade their abilities, armour and weapons in a medieval-themed map.

An interesting feature of the game is the forge, where players are able to dismantle items they don’t want into shards, which can then be used to craft powerful weapons making you a force to reckon with in the final minutes of the game.

The forge can be used to upgrade weapons and armour

The infamous phrase made popular by PUBG, “Winner winner chicken dinner!” is taken quite literally in Realm Royale, with any knocked out player being turned into a giant chicken.

You are given the chance to flap away and return to human form to continue the fight, should you survive.

Spending your money

The game has a bright future in terms of in-game cosmetic items. Taking the lead from Fortnite and Hi-Rez’s previous title Paladins, ‘Pay-to-win’ most likely won’t be making an appearance, with players being able to purchase a ‘battle pass’ or in-game cosmetic items for cash.

Some fans of the title have expressed concerns over the prospect of Loot boxes, however, Hi-Rez previously removed them from Paladins, so it is unlikely they will go down this route.

With the introduction of mounts into the game, it will also be exciting to see different breeds and species of animals being introduced.

Mounts allow players to traverse the map with ease

Coming from Fortnite and PUBG
The similarities between Realm Royale and Fortnite lie in the graphics, the colours and the jovial, team based style of play that Fortnite fans credit it’s success too.

The building mechanics in Fortnite are really unique, with that style of play not taking a role in a more traditional battle royale setting.

PUBG players however, may be more comfortable when trying a hand at Realm Royale, due to the heavier focus on gun-play and map positioning.

Make sure to finish off your opponents whilst they are chickens!

With the game picking up in popularity, due to popular Twitch streamers such as, Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins and Jaryd ‘Summit1G’ Lazar playing the game, there are rumours it will be moving to consoles and mobile soon.

In fact according to the Express it has been confirmed on PlayStation and on Xbox.

So it’s time to pick a class, gather your squad, drop in and start playing.

Anything I need to know before jumping in a game?

Yes! Similar to other Battle Royale games, Realm Royale currently has only one playable map.

The first few minutes of the game tend to be quiet, allowing players to loot up, collect gear, find out where the best lookout spots are, and which areas are most heavily contested.

Click here to find the best Realm Royale landing spots!


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